
Helping Grieving
Families HEAL through
the ART of

Funeral Photography Specialist

Welcome! We know why you are here....
“Every photographer can’t shoot a Wedding therefore,
Every photographer can’t shoot a Funeral”
Helping Grieving Families Remember
"Most of what they forgot, and All of what they never saw."

The National Grief Awareness Week

encourages the sharing of experiences of grief through ART!

Funeral Images from FDNY EMS

Lieutenant Alison Russo-Elling

Funeral Images from

Queen Rosa Homegoing Mass

A Giant Step Toward

Inter-Cultural Funeral Services

Detail your services

Your Legacy Photography had the honor of capturing our first Buddhist funeral service. We are truly on our way to not only being international, but being inter-cultural.

Announce coming events

Grieving families from all cultures want the opportunity to #HEALthroughPhotography and honor their loved ones memory in a Legacy Album memoir. We truly thank the family of Ms. Wendy Yu for the opportunity to serve them.
Funeral Photography is an Investment

Into your loved ones Legacy for generations to come

Basic Album ONLY
20 pg/10 spreads
NO Vittore Page
NO Album Case

Up to 4 hrs

Deluxe Album
30 pg/15 spreads
1 Vittore Page
NO Album Case

Up to 4 hrs
Premium Album 40+ pg/20 spreads 3 Vittore Pages 1 Album Case
Up to 6 hrs shoot

YLP's Legacy Album Packages

Premium Wedding-style Quality Professional Photography Albums
VIP Legacy Album
Presidential Briefcase Album
Vittore Album
All packages includes pre & post-productions, editing & color corrections, album design. and shipping.

Digital ONLY and ALL Packages

includes a Customized USB. Call for Prices.